
North Korean Leader Is Said to Pick a Son as Heir (NYtimes)

I am interested in the recent news.
Therefore, it made it to this article.
As for a provocative action of North Korea, I feel regrettable very much.
Japan is a range distance in which the attack of North Korea is received.
Especially, in Kumamoto, there is a military station of the Self Defense Forces, too and I cannot overlook this problem. As for this problem, I want you to solve it even at once.
Eyes cannot be removed to the movement of North Korea of the future by the heir problem.

American and South Korean officials say that Kim Jong-il, the North Korean dictator recovering from a stroke

secretly /秘かに
beyond reports that he was secretly schooled in Switzerland under an assumed name

But his path to power is hardly assured: some intelligence officials believe that everyone from the North Korean military to Kim Jong-il’s eldest son may be plotting behind the scenes to derail the succession plans

analysts acknowledge that they are extrapolating from indicators, rather than hard evidence

homage /尊敬
North Korean diplomats abroad have been told to begin to pay homage to Kim Jong-un and some schoolchildren have reportedly been including his name in their songs.

administration /管理
While Obama administration officials say they want to draw North Korea back into disarmament talks begun by President George W. Bush

struggle / 戦い
it is unclear who is running the country and when all players in a succession struggle will avoid any perception of concessions to the United States.

until the Disneyland episode added to rumors that his judgment was less than reliable.

allegiance /忠誠
They said that this message instructed the diplomats to pledge their allegiance to Kim Jong-un

Another lawmaker, Moon Kook-hyun, said he could not comment on a secret briefing

day-to-day /その日その日
who is believed to run many day-to-day state affairs on behalf of the ailing leader.


3 件のコメント:

  1. Very, very good!!! If there are any expressions that you do not understand, please ask me.

  2. Thank you. It questions without reservation from the solution when not is.

  3. I need to ask you about this sentence: "It questions without reservation from the solution when not is." Is this a translation of Japanese?
